7 Easiest Ways To Introduce Technical Debts
Things that are left undone for making quality software due to various circumstances. Poor management, decisions making & process are major factor behind it.
It is just like a financial debt the longer you keep not paying your debts, worse and worse it gets.
So in this read, I will guide you how one can introduce “Technical Debt” effectively & efficiently
Here are 7quickest ways to get the job done
- Introduce multiple languages -:
Since most of the company these days follow microservices already. Introduce multiple languages in your microservices so that it would be difficult for the company to hire newcomers as well as for the existing member to collaborate.
2. Don’t follow any coding principles -:
I repeat please do not follow any coding principles or try to violate the principles like YAGNI, SOLID, KISS, DRY etc. After some time in your project, you won’t be able to extend new features easily. It would take many days to get the job done if you could manage to get the job done, be ready for more and more bugs.
3. Do not refactor & cover the test -:
Keep working on more features just don’t look back to refactor the code and do not write a single test for any functionalities. Eventually, you feel like your productivity has been decreased. This will help to introduce more bugs & take more time to release features.
4. Do not document a single thing -:
Whether is a complex logic you have written or a complex app you have built just don’t share a single word in any written format. Act like you are the single source of truth. Let your company & colleagues suffer to find the truth.
5. Do not monitor any projects -:
Let your projects grow wild into nature. Don’t put any logs & analytics into your application so with this you won’t actually know where to refactor & which features to work on next. If you are a company and planning to outsource new members just don’t analyze your team strength & capabilities. Let the new member do their part and let them leave without any handover.
6. Use multiple cloud services provider -:
Try to use many cloud service provider as you can. Try out new provider per project until you start feeling you have really made the worst decision. Your dependency will increase with multiple providers so that you would spend most of your time figuring out the things among providers.
7. Always rush -:
If a feature takes 3 weeks to build. Try to build it within 1.5weeks with all shortcuts, hack fix you know and don’t refactor later on. This way the complexity of code will increase and increase so that you will feel difficult to work with that project i.e (taking a long time to push new features, more time to fix bugs, bugs mating with bugs & more bugs)
Don’t take ownership of any work you do and don’t be responsible for any mistakes you made so that you won’t feel like there is a room for improvement. This way the fire can keep burning.
There are other indirect ways you could eventually introduce Technical Debt like demotivating your employees, mental burnout, lack of freedom, Micro-Management etc.